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Tulisan : World Peace

         I want to tell you about world peace. We need love and peace in our live. War can’t solve the problem and war has no advantages. On the other hand we must live in peace and love forever. If we are not peaceful many disadvantages, many war happen, also many victims injured.          My opinion about world peace is there are no war, no bombs, no rebels, no violence, and no more disaster. Because of that, we can life peace. We need to forgive everyone else. we do not make any troubles and other. Even others making any trouble, don’t join it and just leave it.           The word “peace” does not always means harmony situation. It has power to moves heart. Peace kan make tears and laugh. World peace can move people to act, to say their emotions, to pray all day and work hard. World peace is not my wish, neither yours. But it’s everyone wish.


Tulisan Deskripsi tentang Teman

Descriptive about my friend. I will descriptive about my Classmate friend in 1EA30. First of all I want to introduce my friend. Her name is Sania Safira. You can call her “sasa”. She is Seventeen years old now.  She has thin body and have long curly hair. She have one sister. She and her sister usually study together. Afther that She always watch anice movie on Television or watch Korean drama. She live in Bekasi City. She’s house is small but very comfortable for her and her family. She love listening to music. She listen to music when go to sleep. She love too dance music, but She don’t have much time to dance. For me she is the best friend, if there are Test, we always study together and get a high score. Thank you my friend.

Contoh kalimat Possessive Pronoun dan Reflexive Pronoun

Contoh kalimat Possessive Pronoun 1 Mine This T-Shirt is mine. 2 Yours I hate my job. Do you hate yours? 3 Ours Ours school is big. 4 Theirs Theirs uniforms color is blue. 5 His         This wallet is his. 6 Hers This book is hers. Contoh kalimat Reflexive Pronoun 1 Myself          I see myself on the mirror. 2 Yourself          You must not blame yourself. 3 Ourselves  We enjoyed ourselves. 4 Themselves  They introduced themselves before the presentation begun yesterday. 5 Himself          He cut himself when he was shaving this morning. 6 Herself          My mother burned herself when she was cooking. 7 Itself          The door opens itself.

Descriptive Text

            Hello, my full name is Dini Nurcahyani. You can call me “Dini”. I am 19 years old. I was born in Jakarta City on August 3 rd , 1997. I live on Cibitung at Regency 2. I was the first of two children, my brother name is “Doni”. He is very thin but I am very fat. Hahaha. We look so different.             I graduated from high school in my city that SMK Telekomunikasi Telesandi Bekasi. Right now I am sitting in one of the universities, namely the university of Gunadarma. I have taken 2 semesters for the moment, and I really wanted to finish my studies as soon as possible. I majored in Management in faculty of Economy. 

Exercise 4

In the following sentences supply the articles ( a, an, or the) if they are necessary. If no article is necessary, leave the space blank. 1. Jason’s father bought him a bicyle that he had wanted for his birthday. 2. The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship for   -   France to the United States. 3. Rita is studying   -   English and   -   Math this semester. 4. The judge asked the witness to tell the truth. 5. Please give me a cup of   -   coffee with   -   cream and   -   sugar. 6. The big books on the table are for my history class. 7. No one in the Spanish class knew the correct answer to   -   Mrs. Perez’s question. 8. My   -   car is four years old, and it still runs well. 9. When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of   -   chocolate milk and a dozen oranges. 10. There are only a few seats left for   -   tonight musical at the university. ...